June 12, 2015

The light was changing on me while I was taking photos, so the color balance is off a bit from picture to picture. The closest color match is probably the side-by-side size comparison shot below.

As you can see it is still fully poseable. Though the paint on the ball joints is wearing away and it doesn't look great around the joints.

September 25, 2014
Look at all that texture.

September 23, 2014

One request is for a new hip piece to allow a Minimate to sit in a crossed-leg or lotus position. (Yes, I know that's not Strange, but Picard was closer at hand.) Since I have a 3D Printer I took it upon myself to see what was possible.
Here are my various attempts in order from left to right. The first was simply to turn the hip balls vertical, but there was no clearance to actually move the legs. I had to keep tilting and extending until there was enough movement.
This is the final (rough) print. One side is longer so the legs can be more easily placed on top of each other. When they are the same length, the legs tilt and it doesn't look good. It might have worked if you could get the toes and heels to touch, but due to the limited bend of the knee that's not possible.

If anyone is interested in ordering some of these (with higher quality of course), let me know and I'll put it up on shapeways.

November 19, 2013
I was never really satisfied with the output, but there was less than two weeks to the deadline. More time probably wouldn't have helped, but I might have tried something more ambitious. Unfortunately the post with all the entries on the Art Asylum web site has been lost to the aether.

October 20, 2009

October 12, 2009

October 1, 2009

September 28, 2009