LabTable: Printed Minimate
December 19, 2013
Using the models I created for animation I was able to produce a scaled-up version of the basic Minimate.
Like anything new there are bound to be problems. I printed many versions of the various pieces to get the fit and feel just right. I've also had a couple controller chips die so I end up waiting for replacement parts.
Print lines are very obvious in these early prints. It seemed whenever I would print a torso, about halfway through the printer would get off track just a bit. It would either skip layers or go over the edge a bit. It's gotten better, but still not ideal.
Also you can see the little blobs that indicated the starting point of each layer. These have been minimized quite a bit with recent prints. But I'm still sanding and filling to get the finish I want.
I've also purchased the Ditto Upgrade Kit that should improve prints as well. Unfortunately it uses a thinner plastic filament so I have to use up my stock of plastic before upgrading. I've got about three spools to go.
This is still an ongoing project. I don't yet have a fully assembled jumbo Minimate. When I do, it will be posted here.
ADV Films Extraction
June 22, 2009