Battlestar Galactica Propaganda
October 26, 2009

I've written previously about my fondness for the propaganda-styled imagery. It was brought back into the public eye with the Obama "Hope" image and its subsequent countless parodies.

The annoucement of more Battlestar Galactica Minimates as Toys'R'Us exclusives gave me a chance to get in on the act.
 Minimate T-Shirts #2
September 17, 2009

In a previous post I created a Minimate mini-poster based on the 'Obey' propaganda imagery. It was just something quick-n-dirty to fill up an empty space.

It turned out to be fairly popular (at least by my standards) so a t-shirt was an obvious next step.
 Revolt Propaganda
July 6, 2009

This will be a quick post, as it only contains one image. There are a lot of things one could do with this theme, but I never took the time to explore the possiblities.
Why are they revolting you ask?