October 12, 2010
- Project Date:October 12, 2010

I fought with Cyclops' hair for several hours before declaring it "close enough." I'm still not satisfied with it, but I figure that I need a wider base of experience before I can get it to look right. In other words, practice!

Okay, enough complaining. Focus on the good parts. I love how Cyclops turned out. (Apart from the hair.) It's not an exact replica of the Minimate, but I don't care. The way the light reflects off the plastic, the texture maps, the gold visor, even the little X logos make me smile.

Heh, I think we might see a few expansions of that image coming in the future. :)

You can see the detail best in that render. It really pops.
I find my mind starts to wander when I work on these. I'm focused on the task at hand, but all these other ideas keep coming to me. I had originally just planed on making the still images you see above. As I progressed, the optic blast was just begging to be animated. Who am I to resist?